Hibiscus Flower Immunity Gummies 🌺

Hibiscus Flower Immunity Gummies 🌺

Bone broth gummies are an incredibly easy way to take gut health to the next level. You can add various herbs, flowers and spices to them to aid in healing the body and strengthening the immune system. 

We used dried hibiscus flower for its anti-inflammatory effects and its incredible amounts of anti-oxidants to fight off free radicals causing dis-ease in the body. It is also high in vitamin C which we love for immune support. Keep reading to see how simple it is to make these at home.

Here is what you will need:

Your dogs favorite Silicone Mold

A small sauce pan or pot (stainless-steel or non-toxic preferred)

1 cup of your dogs favorite broth

3 tablespoons of grass-fed, unflavored gelatin

1-2 tablespoons of dried hibiscus flower


  1. First, sprinkle the dried hibiscus flowers into each mold to coat the bottom.
  2. Dust 1/2 cup of broth with 3 tablespoons of gelatin and mix. Leave to bloom for 2-3 minutes.
  3. While the gelatin blooms, heat up the other 1/2 cup of broth in the saucepan on medium heat. Do not let it get to a boil.
  4. Mix in your bloomed gelatin and stir until it completely dissolves.
  5. Use a small spoon or baster to fill each mold to the top. 
  6. Place in the freezer for 30 mins or refrigerator for 3 hours to harden. 
  7. Pop all gummies out of the mold and place them in a glass air tight container. Store them in the fridge for up to 1 week. 

We can't wait to see how they turn out for you and how your pups like them. Tag us on Instagram and Facebook with your creations. 

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